Ebooks & Monographs

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Positive Behavior Support in High Schools: Monograph from the 2004 Illinois High School Forum of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports

Systems of school-wide positive behavior support have been adopted, sustained, and expanded in elementary and middle schools. However, the same levels of implementation have not been documented widely and replicably at the high school level, especially, in large enrollment urban environments. The purpose of this monograph is to describe what we generally are learning about the implementation of school-wide positive behavior support in high schools, and give recommendations about what educators might do to improve behavior support for all high school students. Recommendations for future research directions also are discussed.


High School PBIS


November 2, 2004


November 2, 2004



PBIS Foundations
Tier 1


Hank Bohanon-Edmonson, K. Brigid Flannery, Lucille Eber, and George Sugai

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