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Video: TIPS Framework 4/8: Identifying Goals in Team-Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS)
This video describes how teams define what success will look like when the problem they’ve identified is solved using the Team Initiated Problem Solving model. In this step, teams look to answer the question: How will we know we’ve been successful?

TIPS Framework 4/8: Identifying Goals in Team-Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS). This video describes how teams define what success will look like when the problem they’ve identified is solved using the Team Initiated Problem Solving model.

Resource: How School Teams Use Data to Make Effective Decisions: Team-Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS)
PDF: With multiple sources of information available, knowing how to use data efficiently and effectively with limited resources is critical to the successful implementation of schoolwide, classroom, and individual interventions. In this practice guide, we describe a scientifically-based approach for data-based decision-making called Team-Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) that includes guidance for school-based teams on (a) the foundations needed to run more effective meetings, (b) a process for using data to identify school needs and goals for change as well as for planning practical and effective solutions, and (c) a process for using, monitoring, and adapting solutions.

How School Teams Use Data to Make Effective Decisions: Team-Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS).

Video: TIPS Framework 2/8: Meeting Foundations in Team-Initiated Problem Solving
This video describes the critical components of a team meeting within the Team Initiated Problem Solving process: Predictability, participation, communication, accountability.

TIPS Framework 2/8: Meeting Foundations in Team-Initiated Problem Solving. This video describes the critical components of a team meeting within the Team Initiated Problem Solving process: Predictability, participation, communication, accountability.

Video: TIPS Framework 8/8: Summative Evaluation Decisions in Team-Initiated Problem Solving
This video summarizes the Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) process and identifies the decision points in the process that either take teams back through problem solving or represent the moments when the problem is no longer a problem requiring their attention.

TIPS Framework 8/8: Summative Evaluation Decisions in Team-Initiated Problem Solving.

Video: TIPS Framework 5/8: Aligning Solutions with Precise Problem Statements in Team-Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS)
This video describes how teams determine which solutions will work best for the precise problem they identified using the Team Initiated Problem Solving model. In this step, teams look to answer the question: What are we going to do?

TIPS Framework 5/8: Aligning Solutions with Precise Problem Statements in Team-Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS).

Resource: TIPS Fidelity Checklist Tier 2—Brief
PDF: The Team Initiated Problem Solving Fidelity Checklist Tier 2 (TIPS-FC -T2) is a progress-monitoring tool for a team and their coach to use as a guide for planning, implementing, and sustaining best practice meeting foundations and using data for problem solving and decision-making for teams coordinating and implementing supplemental and intensive supports.

The Team Initiated Problem Solving Fidelity Checklist Tier 2 (TIPS-FC -T2) is a progress-monitoring tool for a team and their coach to use as a guide for planning, implementing, and sustaining best practice meeting foundations and using data for problem solving

Video: TIPS Training Meeting 1
This video provides an example of a Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) training meeting.

This video provides an example of a Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) training meeting. Running Time: 12:15. min. Topic(s): Data-based Decision Making. Coaching. Published: March 29, 2021. Keywords: TIPS. Tier 1

Video: TIPS Framework 3/8: TIPS Problem-solving Process Overview
This video describes how teams define the problem they want to solve with precision using the Team Initiated Problem Solving model.

TIPS Framework 3/8: TIPS Problem-solving Process Overview. This video describes how teams define the problem they want to solve with precision using the Team Initiated Problem Solving model. Running Time: 2:53. min. Topic(s): Data-based Decision Making.

Video: TIPS Framework 1/8: TIPS Process Overview
This video provides a brief overview of the Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS): a research-based process to guide teams through high quality decision making to achieve better outcomes for students.

This video provides a brief overview of the Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS): a research-based process to guide teams through high quality decision making to achieve better outcomes for students. Running Time: 2:35. min.

Video: TIPS Meeting Foundations Overview
Team-Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) is a model that addresses barriers by breaking down problem solving into six critical steps to guide teams through a data-based decision making process that leads to desired outcomes.

Team-Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) is a model that addresses barriers by breaking down problem solving into six critical steps to guide teams through a data-based decision making process that leads to desired outcomes. Running Time: 1:32. min.

Video: TIPS Framework 7/8: Monitor Impact of Solutions and Compare Against Goal
This video describes how teams monitor the impact of their solutions using the Team Initiated Problem Solving model. In this step, teams look to answer the question: Did our solution work?

This video describes how teams monitor the impact of their solutions using the Team Initiated Problem Solving model. In this step, teams look to answer the question: Did our solution work? Running Time: 1:48. min. Topic(s): Data-based Decision Making.

Video: TIPS Framework 6/8: Implement Solutions with Integrity
This video describes how teams determine if the intervention they selected was implemented as planned using the Team Initiated Problem Solving model. In this step, teams look to answer the question: Did we do what we said we would do?

This video describes how teams determine if the intervention they selected was implemented as planned using the Team Initiated Problem Solving model. In this step, teams look to answer the question: Did we do what we said we would do?

Video: A Team Using TIPS: Grade Level Meeting
This video provides an example of a Grade Level (4th grade) Team using the Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) Model to develop, implement, and monitor academic progress at grade level; monitor fidelity of implementation of academic curricula at grade level, and refer students to Tier II-III team when extra support is needed.

A Team Using TIPS: Grade Level Meeting.

Video: A Team Using TIPS: Tier II-III Coordination Meeting
This meeting video provides an example of a Tier II-III Coordination Team using the Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) Model to identify & select students in need of Tier II & Tier III supports; establish and facilitate individual support teams as needed; monitor progress for students receiving Tier II & Tier III supports; and, monitor fidelity of Implementation of Tier II & Tier III supports.

A Team Using TIPS: Tier II-III Coordination Meeting.

Resource: TIPS Fidelity Checklist
Word Doc: The Team Initiated Problem Solving Fidelity Checklist (TIPS-FC) is a progress-monitoring tool for a team and their coach to use as a guide for planning, implementing, and sustaining best practice meeting foundations and using data for problem solving and decision-making.

The Team Initiated Problem Solving Fidelity Checklist (TIPS-FC) is a progress-monitoring tool for a team and their coach to useas a guide for planning, implementing, and sustaining best practice meeting foundations and using data for problem solving anddecision-making

Video: A Team Using TIPS: Tier I Coordination Meeting (Abbreviated Meeting)
This video provides an example of a Tier I or Universal Leadership Team using the Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) Model to develop and implement Tier I systems and interventions for academic and social success; monitor fidelity of implementation of Tier I systems and support; monitor academic and social progress for all students; and screen, select, and refer students in need of additional supports.

A Team Using TIPS: Tier I Coordination Meeting (Abbreviated Meeting).

Video: A Team Using TIPS: Tier I Coordination Meeting (Exploration)
This video provides an example of a Tier I or Universal Leadership Team using the Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) Model to develop and implement Tier I systems and interventions for academic and social success; monitor fidelity of implementation of Tier I systems and supports; monitor academic and social progress for all students; and screen, select, and refer students in need of additional supports.

A Team Using TIPS: Tier I Coordination Meeting (Exploration).

Resource: TIPS School Readiness Checklist
PDF: This checklist identifies critical school-level system features that will help support initial adoption and ongoing sustainability of TIPS. This checklist can be used as a self-assessment or coaching tool prior to a district adopting and implementing the TIPS model.

The Team-Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) School Readiness Checklist. Eugene, OR. University of Oregon, Educational and Community Supports. Download Resource. Materials. : PDF. Share this resource: Share. Tweet. Related Resources

Resource: TIPS District Readiness Checklist
PDF: This checklist identifies critical district-level system features that will help support initial adoption and ongoing sustainability of TIPS. This checklist can be used as a self-assessment or coaching tool prior to a district adopting and implementing the TIPS model.

The Team-Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) District Readiness Checklist. Eugene, OR: University of Oregon, Educational and Community Supports. Download Resource. Materials. : PDF. Share this resource: Share. Tweet. Related Resources

Resource: Data Analyst's Worksheet
Word Doc: A worksheet to be used by the data analyst role before a team meeting using the Team Initiated Problem Solving Framework (TIPS). Use your academic or behavior data to create a snapshot view of your school’s performance overall (e.g., by grade level, intervention status, race/ethnicity, gender).

A worksheet to be used by the data analyst role before a team meeting using the Team Initiated Problem Solving Framework (TIPS).

Resource: TIPS Meeting Minutes Template
Word Doc: Meeting form to be used by school teams using the Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) method. Useful for keeping the conversation focused to problem solving. Meeting minutes serve as documentation and guidance for decisions made during problem-solving and/or coordination/planning team meeting includes sections and prompts to guide and prompt recording of relevant, accurate, and succinct information across the following areas: demographics, systems status update, problem solving, action planning, evaluation, and housekeeping items

Meeting form to be used by school teams using the Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) method. Useful for keeping the conversation focused to problem solving.

Center on PBIS | Tier 2
Tier 2 practices and systems provide targeted support for students who are not successful with Tier 1 supports alone. The focus is on supporting students who are at risk for developing more serious problem behavior before they start. Essentially, the support at this level is more focused than Tier 1 and less intensive than Tier 3.

The Role of the Tier 2 Team. The Tier 2 team meets regularly to design and refine Tier 2 interventions within the building to meet the needs of their students. The team is responsible for the student referral process related to interventions.

Center on PBIS | Positive, Proactive Approaches to Supporting Children with Disabilities
In July 2022, the US Department of Education released important new guidance that “helps schools support students with disabilities and avoid discriminatory use of discipline.” PBIS already embeds these recommended practices into its framework as referenced in the new guidance. We believe PBIS provides a strong foundation to implement this guidance and benefit students with disabilities. Educators at the classroom, school, and district levels can use the following Center on PBIS resources to put this guidance into action.

How School Teams Use Data to Make Effective Decisions: Team-Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS). Guidance for Systematic Screening: Lessons Learned from Practitioners. PBIS Evaluation Blueprint. Getting Started with Data for Decision Making.

Center on PBIS | Data-based Decision Making
Topic Page: A defining feature of PBIS is continuous improvement driven by data. Teams collect and analyze data to diagnose problems or gaps and select strategies to address these challenges. Data tell us which strategies are most effective so we continue to include them in our repertoire.

Efficient, up-to-date, accessible reports allow teams to create precision problem statements described in the team-based decision process below. Team-based Decision Process.

Resource: Classroom Problem Solving
PDF: Some students do not respond to tier 1 universal academic and behavioral instruction. These students who need additional support display minor and fewer major misbehaviors than students getting tier 3 supports. The goal is to provide support to these students to meet their needs, to keep them in class learning and to avoid escalation to more intensive services. This is a manual for implemting tier 2 supports in the classroom.

Classroom Problem Solving. Some students do not respond to tier 1 universal academic and behavioral instruction. These students who need additional support display minor and fewer major misbehaviors than students getting tier 3 supports.

Resource: Tier 1 Coordination and Problem Solving Team Meeting Foundations
Word Doc: Defines the purpose, members, schedule, and decision guidelines of a Tier 1 school team.

Tier 1 Coordination and Problem Solving Team Meeting Foundations. Defines the purpose, members, schedule, and decision guidelines of a Tier 1 school team. Topic(s): Data-based Decision Making. Published: September 18, 2017. Revised: September 18, 2017.

Resource: Discipline Disproportionality Problem Solving: A Data Guide for School Teams
PDF: This practice guide is one of a set of resources for increasing equity in school discipline. The guides are based on the Center on PBIS’s 5-Point Equity Approach, which has been shown to be effective in increasing equity in schools. These 5 points include (a) using disaggregated discipline data, (b) ensuring that multi-tiered behavior frameworks are culturally responsive, (c) using engaging instruction, (d) developing effective policies, and (e) reducing implicit bias in discipline decisions. This guide addresses using discipline data.

Discipline Disproportionality Problem Solving: A Data Guide for School Teams. This practice guide is one of a set of resources for increasing equity in school discipline.

Video: [Session B9] PBIS Forum 2021: Essential Coaching Skills to Support District & School Teams using Data-based Problem-solving
Learn about team coaching skills for data-driven problem-solving to implement PBIS at school and district levels. This session will identify resources and tools to support coaching for problem solving facilitation, facilitated leadership, and MTSS content knowledge. Assessment of coaching skills and data sources to assist with problem-solving will be described.

[Session B9] PBIS Forum 2021: Essential Coaching Skills to Support District & School Teams using Data-based Problem-solving. Learn about team coaching skills for data-driven problem-solving to implement PBIS at school and district levels.

Resource: Using a PBIS Framework: Working Smarter, Not Harder in Rural Schools
PDF: Given some of the barriers faced by schools, especially those in rural areas, the Working Smarter Matrix matches interventions with current PBIS resources to assist a school team in using an efficient and effective problem-solving process. As part of the problem-solving process and after PBIS teams have identified and analyzed the problem, they can use this matrix to select an appropriate intervention approach and locate corresponding, hyperlinked resources to support that approach.

Given some of the barriers faced by schools, especially those in rural areas, the Working Smarter Matrix matches interventions with current PBIS resources to assist a school team in using an efficient and effective problem-solving process.

Center on PBIS | Early Childhood PBIS
Topic Page: You might know PBIS in early childhood settings as Early Childhood Program-Wide Positive Behavior Support (PW-PBS) or Program-Wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support (PW-PBIS). It is often referred to as the Pyramid Model. This model provides a framework of evidence-based practices to promote the social-emotional competence of all children, address the social-emotional and behavioral needs of children who are at-risk, and develop supports for children with persistent social, emotional or behavioral concerns.

Leadership Team. The team includes (. Some team members may fill more than one of these roles. ): The program administrator. Representation from teaching staff. Someone to provide coaching and support to teachers. A behavior specialist. A family member.

Video: Building State Advisory Teams
State Advisory teams can inform best practice at the state and district level by bringing together important constituencies and perspectives for planning and problem-solving. This presentation will share examples of PBIS/MTSS state advisory teams that have supported growth and implementation of efforts across a state and have effectively addressed barriers and needs.

Building State Advisory Teams. State Advisory teams can inform best practice at the state and district level by bringing together important constituencies and perspectives for planning and problem-solving.

Center on PBIS | Tier 3
At most schools, there are 1-5% of students for whom Tier 1 and Tier 2 supports have not connected. At Tier 3, these students receive more intensive, individualized support to improve their behavioral and academic outcomes. Tier 3 strategies work for students with developmental disabilities, autism, emotional and behavioral disorders, and students with no diagnostic label at all.

Tier 3 team membership includes an administrator, a coach/behavior representative, others with basic knowledge of problem solving. Team members should also include personnel who actively provide Tier 3 support in the school.

Resource: School Refusal: Assessment and Intervention
PDF: This brief provides an overview of how to identify and determine why a student may be avoiding or refusing to attend school, and ways that schoolwide positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) teams can help to assess and address school refusal. We will introduce a research-based framework to engage in problem-solving to better support students who exhibit school refusal that can supplement more detailed reviews of assessment and intervention (e.g., Kearney, 2007).

This brief provides an overview of how to identify and determine why a student may be avoiding or refusing to attend school, and ways that schoolwide positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) teams can help to assess and address school refusal.

Center on PBIS | Opioid Crisis and Substance Misuse
Topic Page: In October 2017, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services declared a public health emergency to address rising overdose deaths related to the opioid crisis. This crisis, and substance misuse in general, impacts students and families of all backgrounds. Schools need adequate services to address student use, student trauma, and family adjustment. PBIS is well-positioned to address these needs through a structured, multi-tiered response with primary prevention, and targeted and intensive intervention supports.

Assisting families as they adjust to shifting roles might include school teams providing more explicit parenting supports or supports tailored to intergenerational parenting. Substance Use Intervention within a Tiered Framework.

Video: Social Emotional Learning: Cultivating Essential Life Skills
Social-Emotional Learning needs to be deliberate and explicit in teaching prosocial behavior, coping strategies, emotional regulation, and problem solving skills. Kelly Perales shares why this explicit instruction is needed and how we can go about conducting this instruction.

Social-Emotional Learning needs to be deliberate and explicit in teaching prosocial behavior, coping strategies, emotional regulation, and problem solving skills.

Video: Integrating AWARE, SCT, and PBIS at the District and State Levels (SCTG Webinar)
A recorded webinar discussing how School Climate Transformation (SCT), Advancing Wellness and Resiliency in Education (AWARE) and PBIS activities can be integrated at the local and state level. Topics for discussion include integrated leadership, coaching, data-based problem-solving, and technical support and training. This webinar was given to School Climate Transformation Grant recipients originally.

Topics for discussion include integrated leadership, coaching, data-based problem-solving, and technical support and training. This webinar was given to School Climate Transformation Grant recipients originally. Running Time: 50:20. min.

Video: [Session C3] PBIS Forum 2020: Using Data & Decision-making Practices to Support Effective PBIS Implementation at the District & State Levels
This presentation will feature data-based decision-making practices at both the LEA and SEA levels addressing PBIS implementation for scale-up and improved outcomes. We will illustrate a state-level initiative to enhance the problem-solving process used to support district planning. Exemplar districts will highlight innovative ways they have integrated data-based decision-making practices into their implementation planning.

We will illustrate a state-level initiative to enhance the problem-solving process used to support district planning.

Resource: Using PBIS to Address the Needs of Students with Internalizing Problem Behavior
PDF: Schools are increasingly aware of the need to better support students with internalizing challenges such as depression, anxiety, and trauma-related concerns. This session will discuss issues involved in improving school-wide PBIS systems for these students, including guidance on improving multi-tiered practices to ensure prevention and intervention for students with internalizing problems.

Using PBIS to Address the Needs of Students with Internalizing Problem Behavior. Schools are increasingly aware of the need to better support students with internalizing challenges such as depression, anxiety, and trauma-related concerns.

Mental Health/Social-Emotional Well-Being

Clinicians – supported by integrated district structures – become part of multi-tiered school teams to address the social-emotional and behavior needs of all students. ISF expands the PBIS framework as a way to assist teams and enhance their efforts.

Resource: PBIS Team Implementation Checklist (TIC 3.1)
Word Doc: This checklist is designed to be completed by the PBIS Team once a quarter to monitor activities for implementation of PBIS in a school. The team should complete the Action Plan at the same time to track items that are In Progress or Not Yet Started items.

PBIS Team Implementation Checklist (TIC 3.1). This checklist is designed to be completed by the PBIS Team once a quarter to monitor activities for implementation of PBIS in a school.

Center on PBIS | School-Wide
Topic Page: When schools implement PBIS, they start by implementing it school-wide. Three critical features – systems, practices, and data – work together to promote positive, predictable, safe environments for everyone in all school settings.

On-going data-based problem-solving routines. Data. School-wide PBIS schools collect and use data to guide their implementation and evaluate outcomes.

Center on PBIS | SCTG Webinar Series
This SCTG webinar series includes topics that will educate viewers about PBIS implementation, discuss methods for alignment with SEL practices, and provide strategies for cultivating cultural wellness.

Title: Building State Advisory Teams. Description: State Advisory teams can inform best practice at the state and district level by bringing together important constituencies and perspectives for planning and problem-solving.

Resource: Addressing the Growing Problem of Domestic Sex Trafficking in Minors through Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports
PDF: The aim of this practice brief is to highlight the broader issue of domestic minor sex trafficking (DMST) and suggest a framework for integrating school-based prevention and intervention strategies through Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS). We provide a brief review of DMST and connections to PBIS; we then discuss how actions within the PBIS framework may help prevent DMST and provide assistance to student victims and their families.

Addressing the Growing Problem of Domestic Sex Trafficking in Minors through Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports.

Video: [Session B5] PBIS Forum 2021: Addressing the Growing Problem of Domestic Sex Trafficking in Minors through PBIS
This session will highlight the broader issue of domestic minor sex trafficking (DMST) and suggest a framework for integrating school-based prevention and intervention strategies through PBIS. The experiences of a school district with DMST will be discussed in the context of this model.

[Session B5] PBIS Forum 2021: Addressing the Growing Problem of Domestic Sex Trafficking in Minors through PBIS.

Resource: Prevention and Systematic Intervention to Address Social Behavioral Problems: School-wide Positive Behavior Support
Slide Deck: Research reviews continue to indicate that effective responses to significant behavioral challenges in school include: Social Skills Training, Academic Restructuring, and Behavioral Interventions. This presentation lays out the basics of PBIS as a solution.

Prevention and Systematic Intervention to Address Social Behavioral Problems: School-wide Positive Behavior Support.

Resource: Enhancing Team Functioning in Schools' Multi-Tiered Systems of Support
PDF: This Practice Guide can be used by multidisciplinary teams within a multi-tiered system of support as a resource for overcoming challenges and setting up teams for success. The five effective teaming elements are described, as well as how to structure teams to enhance functioning and outcomes within schools.

Enhancing Team Functioning in Schools' Multi-Tiered Systems of Support. This Practice Guide can be used by multidisciplinary teams within a multi-tiered system of support as a resource for overcoming challenges and setting up teams for success.

Resource: How to Get PBIS in Your School
PDF: The purpose of this resource is to enhance the Blueprint by expanding the “what” and “why” of each implementation feature and describe “how to” initiate and achieve each feature with fidelity within your school setting to promote successful PBS training readiness. This resource will focus on pre-planning and prepare you up to the point of training readiness by describing “how to get PBS in your school” and offering specific activities and user-friendly tools

The purpose of this resource is to enhance the Blueprint by expanding the “what” and “why” of each implementation feature and describe “how to” initiate and achieve each feature with fidelity within your school setting to promote successful PBS training readiness

Resource: Using Outcome Data to Implement Multi-tiered Behavior Support (PBIS) in High Schools
PDF: In this Practice Brief we propose that there are at least four core types of data needed by high school PBIS Leadership Teams and that these data can be used to problem-solve at the (a) whole school, (b) at-risk group, or (c) individual student levels.

In this Practice Brief we propose that there are at least four core types of data needed by high school PBIS Leadership Teams and that these data can be used to problem-solve at the (a) whole school, (b) at-risk group, or (c) individual student levels.

Resource: Tier 3 Data Collections Systems Brief: Data For Team-Based Decision Making
PDF: The purpose of this practice brief is to provide guidance on how collecting and using data in a Tier 3 data system can benefit individual student-focused teams, Tier 3 school-level teams, and district PBIS teams.

Tier 3 Data Collections Systems Brief: Data For Team-Based Decision Making.

Center on PBIS | Family
Topic Page: We think of family as the people in a child’s life with a vested interest in their well-being and educational success. Family, school, and community members are critical partners in developing an effective and responsive support system where all benefit. However, authentic partnerships continue to be a challenging reality for educators and families alike; schools must be creative in their efforts to reach out to and engage with their stakeholders so that positive, trusting relationships serve as the foundation of ongoing collaboration and problem-solving.

continue to be a challenging reality for educators and families alike; schools must be creative in their efforts to reach out to and engage with their stakeholders so that positive, trusting relationships serve as the foundation of ongoing collaboration and problem-solving

Center on PBIS | Bullying Prevention
Topic Page: Bullying is frequently noted as an example of disrespectful and aggressive behavior. The majority of bullying and harmful behavior happens in order to get attention, praise, or social status from by-standers, peers, or even the victim. An effective social culture has a formal process for limiting the social rewards available for bullying, and harmful behavior. We call this bullying prevention.

At this tier, all students may also learn how to respond to the problem behavior of others. Tier 2.

Resource: PBIS District Practice Guide: Leadership Team Planning Using the District Systems Fidelity Inventory
PDF: The PBIS District Practice Guide: Leadership Team Planning Using the DSFI contains resources for District Leadership Teams (DLTs) and the personnel who provide technical assistance to district teams. The PBIS District Practice Guide will (a) describe how to use the DSFI assessment results to build concrete action planning steps for districts implementing PBIS and (b) help teams achieve and maintain a score a “2 = Fully Implemented” on each of the DSFI items. Each chapter focuses on the key functions and tasks of the team along with relevant sections of the DSFI.

PBIS District Practice Guide: Leadership Team Planning Using the District Systems Fidelity Inventory.

Video: The Roles and Functions of Leadership Teams Webinar
SCTG - Webinar - The Roles and Functions of Leadership Teams

The Roles and Functions of Leadership Teams Webinar. SCTG - Webinar - The Roles and Functions of Leadership Teams. Running Time: 60:00. min. Topic(s): School Climate Transformation Grant (SCTG). Published: August 17, 2020. Keywords:

Center on PBIS | Tier 1
Tier 1 systems, data, and practices impact everyone across all settings. They establish the foundation for delivering regular, proactive support and preventing unwanted behaviors. Tier 1 emphasizes prosocial skills and expectations by teaching and acknowledging appropriate student behavior. Teams, data, consistent policies, professional development, and evaluation are essential components for these practices to work effectively.

These Tier 1 foundational systems are: Leadership Team. The Tier 1 team represents multiple and diverse perspectives to co-create the systems and practices for Tier 1 support.

Center on PBIS | High School PBIS
Topic Page: It’s easy to think primarily elementary and middle schools implement PBIS. Would you be surprised to learn there are thousands of high schools implementing PBIS, too? The key features of PBIS don’t change at the high school level; implementation simply addresses contextual factors unique to high school settings.

Leadership teams include representation from administrative teams, PBIS teams, and other leadership roles in the building – deans of students, department heads, etc.

Center on PBIS | Coaching
Topic Page: In PBIS, coaching keeps schools from falling into the problems associated with training in isolation. Coaches support schools throughout their PBIS implementation to make professional development content fit with local, school, and classroom settings. When planning for systems to support implementation across the tiers, leaders (state, district, and school) benefit from identifying adequate coaching capacity to support systems, team/group and individual change.

In PBIS, coaching keeps schools from falling into the problems associated with training in isolation. Coaches support schools throughout their PBIS implementation to make professional development content fit with local, school, and classroom settings.

Video: [Session E2] PBIS Forum 2021: District-Level Implementation of ISF: Expand Your Team, Expand Your Results
Meeting the social-emotional-behavioral health needs of every student requires a single system of delivery now more than ever. This session will describe how to create a unified and comprehensive approach for district and community leaders. An exemplar district’s experience using available resources and tools will be shared.

[Session E2] PBIS Forum 2021: District-Level Implementation of ISF: Expand Your Team, Expand Your Results. Meeting the social-emotional-behavioral health needs of every student requires a single system of delivery now more than ever.

Video: What Building Teams Should Ask of their Districts (SCTG Webinar)
A recorded webinar describing key supports school level teams should ask for from the district: visibility, priority, the allocation of resources and the removal of barriers to implementation. Learn how to identify a process to determine if the district supports are in place as well as the identification process for communicating from the school level to the district level to improve implementation efforts. This webinar was provided to School Climate Transformation Grant recipients.

What Building Teams Should Ask of their Districts (SCTG Webinar).

Resource: Teaching Function of Behavior to All Staff
PDF: Presentation on methods of teaching function of behavior to all staff, making it easy, and getting to teh root of problems by identifying motivation.

Presentation on methods of teaching function of behavior to all staff, making it easy, and getting to teh root of problems by identifying motivation. Topic(s): District & State PBIS. Published: April 1, 2009. Revised: April 1, 2009. Keywords: Tier 3.

Resource: Do Out-of-School Suspensions Prevent Future Exclusionary Discipline?
PDF: This evaluation brief examines the use of suspensions in 1,840 public middle schools in the United States and assesses the extent to which they are effective at reducing future problem behavior for students who receive them.

This evaluation brief examines the use of suspensions in 1,840 public middle schools in the United States and assesses the extent to which they are effective at reducing future problem behavior for students who receive them. Topic(s): School-Wide.

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